
List of Articles


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OpenCV Official Tutorial - Python Version:

Hi, In this section, You can find corresponding Python code for OpenCV official tutorial. So you can find explanation in the official site.
  1. Load and Display an Image ---- Python Code
  2. Load, Modify, and Save an Image ---- Python Code
  3. Mask operations on matrices ---- Python Code
  4. Adding (blending) two images using OpenCV  ----  Python Code
  5. Changing the contrast and brightness of an image! ---- Python Code
  6. Please check my github account for more.

List of Articles:
  1. Welcome to OpenCV-Python !!!    ---- Introduction Page
  2. OpenCV - Software That Sees      ---- Brief Introduction about OpenCV
  3. Python - A Powerful Friend           ---- Brief Introduction about Python
  4. Install OpenCV in Windows for Python 
  5. Drawing Histogram in OpenCV-Python 
  6. Contour features                         ---- A tutorial on all the functions related to contours
  7. Skeletonization using OpenCV-Python ---- A simple thinning algorithm
  8. Barcode Detection                      ---- A tutorial on how to find barcode
  9. Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python ---- Shows use of kNN algorithm
  10. Sudoku Solver - Part 1 ---- Theory behind the sudoku solver
  11. Sudoku Solver - Part 2 ---- Finding Sudoku Border and corners
  12. Sudoku Solver - Some Common Questions 
  13. Difference between Matrix Arithmetic in OpenCV and Numpy 
  14. Image Derivatives and its Applications - Sobel, Scharr, Laplace and Canny
  15. Contours - 1: Getting Started
  16. Contours - 2 : Brotherhood
  17. Contours - 3 : Extraction
  18. Contours - 4 : Ultimate
  19. Fast Array Manipulation in Numpy
Miscellaneous Articles:
  1. Detecting Glass in OpenCV ---- Latest implementation from OpenCV Lab
  2. Solve this Puzzle in Python ---- An interesting puzzle and solution in Python