
What's New? (05-Mar-2013)


Keep visiting this page for latest news on this blog and OpenCV.


3 more articles on histograms have been posted. Read and share :

I updated my OpenCV to version 2.4.4. It has more functions compared to previous versions. So even after adding these articles, coverage is still 17%.


I am getting more and more busy with my academics. I can't find much time to spend on my blog. So I am thinking of reducing my own explanations and instead, provide link to some good references on the topic.

Started articles series on Histograms. Posted first article :


1 - Third article on KMeans Clustering. KMeans Clustering - 3 : Working with OpenCV

Total function coverage is 17%.


1 - One more article on Contours, explaining different parameters, hierarchy etc.
-- Contours - 5 : Hierarchy
2 - Changed a dead link in Python : A Powerful Friend , Thanks to +Luiz Angioletti for pointing it out.

Now new functions are added. So function coverage is still 15%

29-Dec-2012 :

1 - Two articles on K-Means Clustering have been added
-- K-Means Clustering - 1 : Basic Understanding
-- K-Means Clustering - 2 : Working with Scipy

Now, this blog covers approximately 15% of functions in OpenCV 2.4.1.

You can find a complete list of articles in this page: List of Articles in this Blog